
Thursday, July 25, 2013

What's Next

Since I have some access to internet, I'll go ahead and do a quick update. I'll be working through 7/31. My next three-day break will be from July 1-3.

I found another pelagic trip that I somehow didn't see earlier. This one is out of Monterey on August 2nd. These early August trips have a tendency to do really well finding all three species of Jaegers, with frequent Skua sightings. Red Phalarope and Sabine's Gulls should also be around.

I'll spend July 1st looking for Bell's Sparrow and hoping for better pictures of Lawrence's Goldfinches. I'll also attempt to find a Prairie Falcon. The fact that I am still missing that one is astonishing to me, but I just can't find 'em! I'll spend the evenings looking for Western Screech-Owl and Common Poorwill.

After my break, I'll be working for about two weeks straight. Then it is back to Michigan for 5-6 days before moving to Minneapolis to start graduate classes. It will be a busy time for me. However, I won't leave Michigan without tracking down some southbound shorebirds that I missed in the spring.

This is my schedule for the next few weeks, and I'm looking forward to each day!

Stay tuned.

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