About Me

My name is Dave Pavlik, a 24 year old birding enthusiast. I've been birding since age 10 and my passion has only grown stronger. After graduating from Northern Michigan University, I've traveled the United States extensively, including much of Alaska. I am currently a contract biologist, accepting temporary/seasonal positions with bird research groups and institutions.

My year will start in Michigan, tracking down winter finches, gulls, and ducks, among others. I have a contract position with Tall Timbers Research Station near Tallahassee, FL. I will bird throughout Florida for a week before my position starts in early February. The job runs until early May (peak migration!) and I'll likely spend time birding Florida again before moving on. From here, my year is up in the air, but it is sure to include a lot of birding.

The purpose of this blog is to keep me focused on my goal of photographing 500 birds in the ABA in 2013 while raising money for an important conservation organization. The American Bird Conservancy is doing wonderful work protecting endangered bird species in Hawaii.

Conservation has always been important to me. It is my hope that this blog will inspire others to help in whatever way they can!

1 comment:

  1. The picture of the jaeger above your head has got to be one of the best birding pictures I have ever seen.
